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Excellent choice

Learn more about our brands, outstanding quality and versatility of our tubes and sections

Excellent choice

Learn more about our brands, outstanding quality and versatility of our tubes and sections

Excellent choice:
Learn more about our brands, outstanding quality and the versatility of our tubes and sections

endurance - cold-rolled hollow sections

Precision and quality united: endurance hollow sections

leova® system for viticulture and fruit growing

Trusted innovation:
steel posts and smart add-ons

vrame profile system forr doors and windows

Clever profiles: versatile standard profile system for all door and portal designs

The brands endurance, leova and vrame represent not just products, but the essence of our commitment to versatility and the highest standards. We offer our customers a wide range of high-quality solutions for a wide variety of applications.

Our comprehensive portfolio includes tailored tubes and hollow sections that meet the highest quality standards, are versatile and provide an ideal basis for demanding applications. Tradition and innovation are combined to create durable and stable solutions in areas such as viticulture, fruit growing, agricultural machinery and profile systems.


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