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Developed and shaped with the future in mind - for your success

We ensure the success of our customers worldwide through professionalism, reliability and our network.

We are encountered more often than you might think

Products made by voestalpine Krems can be found in many applications that affect us every day - from mobility to viticulture and much more.

This is voestalpine Krems: We have been developing customised solutions at our Krems site for more than 80 years. High-precision tubes and sections are produced in the narrowest tolerance ranges on more than 22 roll-forming systems. More than 500 experts work at the Krems site, making us a preferred partner as a result of their commitment: as a European market leader we set the benchmark – from vehicle construction through to solar technology.

Advantages of our worldwide competence network:

As a company of the Metal Forming Division we are there for our customers, wherever and whenever they need us. Our affiliated companies in all the key markets enable us to respond quickly and flexibly to individual customer requests. voestalpine Group‘s worldwide competence network allows us to assemble the right brains around a table and have their combined expertise develop customised solutions for every project. As the world‘s largest roll-forming group, our unique global sales structure and the logistics solutions we and our customers coordinate between us enable us to deliver exactly what will take our customers forward quickly and reliably: Hi-Engineered Tubes & Sections.


  • Site area: 519.340m²
  • Storage area: 91.850m²
  • Production area: 42.615m²

ibz - Information and Visitor Centre

We welcome our customers, present our work, make contacts, engage in discussions and hold important meetings within the industry at our Information and Visitor Centre in Krems.