die casting AM | voestalpine HPM International

Additive manufacturing as an approach to reducing overall costs

The next generation of die casting tools

Our long history of developing materials for the die casting industry means that the powders we use are of the highest quality and offer superior tool life. BÖHLER W360 AMPO is our premium quality for die casting applications. This proprietary powder was developed to outperform traditional tool steels such as 1.2343 ESR (H11) and 1.2344 ESR (H13).

To the technical details

We tested bar materials and compared them with the 3D-printed BÖHLER W360 AMPO according to the following test criteria:
» Thermo-Chemical resistance (immersion/stirring test)
» Notch crack resistance
» Thermal shock resistance
All results were compared with the reference values of 1.2343 ESR/H11 rod material (red line in each graph).


Application: Aluminum die casting
» Cycle time reduction
» Improved life time
Performance compared to conventional
cooled distributor:
Cycle time: -2,5 sec
Life time: >200 %
Application: Aluminum die casting
» Cycle time reduction
» Improved life time
compared to conventional
cooled distributor:
Cylce time: -3 sec
Life time: >150 %

High Performance AM Manifold & Manifold Ring Solutions
We supply the die casting industry with ready-to-install AM single manifolds and manifold rings. Manufactured from BÖHLER W360 AMPO, these AM parts incorporate our unique internal cooling system designs and have proven to be an excellent solution for effectively removing heat from the tool. Combined with our high-performance alloys, AM is an excellent solution for reducing cycle times and increasing productivity in many die casting applications.

Advantages of our high-performance AM solutions:

  • High-performance AM cooling systems improve the rapid solidification of the cast material, resulting in an improved cast structure with fewer defects.
  • The lower thermal stress results in longer tool life by reducing sticking, metal corrosion and thermal shock.
  • The application of optimized AM cooling solutions to parts in the sprue area results in faster material solidification and helps to reduce cycle time.
  • The superior material properties of BÖHLER W360 AMPO significantly improve tool life compared to conventional material grades.

Customer benefits in short

  • High tempering and hot wear resistance
  • Recommended hardness in use 48 – 56 HRC
  • High toughness
  • Designed for very demanding mold applications including die casting


Application: Coupling housing
» Reduction of the reject rate
» Improved life time
compared to conventional
cooled slider:
Life time: >600 %
Application: Gearbox
» Reduction of the reject rate
» Improved life time
Performance compared to conventional
cooled slider:
Reduction of the reject rate: -10 %

Brochures and case studies


Ms. Anna Mad
Business Development Manager
3D Printing, Coating & Components
T +43 664 615 6016

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