Taking a close look

As an internationally active company, we have a major environmental and social responsibility in both the upstream and downstream supply chains. We are aware of the responsibilities this entails and therefore rely, among other things, on strong monitoring in raw material and general purchasing. In addition, we focus on a continuous dialogue and collaboration with our suppliers.

sustainable sourcing

our fields of action

Sustainability will be systematically integrated throughout the entire supply chain. This is done via a dedicated sustainability screening process, which is currently implemented in the form of a self-evaluation and will be extended in a more systematic manner. On group level, we have set ourselves the goal of verifying 70% of the total purchasing volume by 2025 (and 100% by 2030) according to the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria of the voestalpine “Compliance and Corporate Responsibility Checklist” and assessing it according to a defined set of rules. After the assessment has been conducted, this evaluation process will be repeated in close collaboration with identified critical suppliers and we are dedicated to regularly carry out on-site visits.

> Our goal: Contributing to the group target of verifying 70% of the total purchasing volume by 2025 and 100% of active suppliers by 2030 according to the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria of the voestalpine “Compliance and Corporate Responsibility Checklist”.

In addition to the already existing targets for Scope 1&2 emissions, the voestalpine group set itself the ambitious target to reduce 25% of Scope 3 emissions (basis 2019) according to the validation based on the framework of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) until 2029. Currently we are working with state-of-the-art data base values, which we are replacing step-wise with verified supplier data.

Our future raw material procurement activities will be governed by a specific internal Sustainable Sourcing Guideline, which is currently under development. It will include our ESG standards, our requirements in regards to Scope 3 emissions, the exclusion of conflict materials and will also describe how compliance is monitored. In addition, employees will be trained in the procurement process with the help of an internal voestalpine training platform.

Find out more about our other inSPire focus topics:


Örjan Alm

Lead of Sustainable Sourcing

T: +46 563 17062

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