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voestalpine successfully places EUR 500 million bond issue

2019-04-04 | 

voestalpine AG has successfully placed a new EUR 500 million corporate bond issue in the capital market to provide funding for general corporate financing.

  • Funds are intended for general corporate financing
  • Maturity: 7 years; coupon rate: 1.75%

The coupon rate for the 7-year bond is 1.75%.

The value date and start of official trading of the bond (ISIN AT0000A27LQ1) on the Vienna Stock Exchange is scheduled for April 10, 2019.

The bond can be subscribed by private investors during the subscription period from April 4 to April 9, 2019.


Inom sina affärsområden är voestalpine en världsledande teknik- och industrivarukoncern med kombinerad material- och bearbetningskompetens. Den globala företagsgruppen har ca 500 koncernbolag och koncernanläggningar i mer än 50 länder på alla fem kontinenterna. Den är noterad på Wien-börsen sedan 1995. Med sina högkvalitativa produkt- och systemlösningar av stål och andra metaller räknas den som ledande partner för den europeiska bil- och hushållsapparatindustrin samt luftfarts-, olje- och gasindustrin världen över. voestalpine är dessutom världsledande på växelteknik och specialräls samt verktygsstål och specialprofiler. Under verksamhetsåret 2017/18 uppnådde koncernen ett resultat före skatter och avskrivningar (EBITDA) på knappt 2 miljarder euro med en omsättning på närmare 13 miljarder euro och sysselsatte ca 51 600 medarbetare i hela världen.

This information is for marketing purposes and constitutes marketing information within the meaning of the Austrian Securities Supervision Act (Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz – WAG) and Austrian Capital Market Act (Kapitalmarktgesetz – KMG). It does not, however, constitute financial analysis, or investment advice or recommendations related to financial instruments, or an offer to sell, or invitation to buy securities. The voestalpine AG securities are being offered in Austria and Germany solely by means of and on the basis of the capital market prospectus of March 21, 2019 and any possible supplement and the Final Terms (together the “Offer Documents”). Only the information in the Offer Documents is binding in connection with the offer. The prospectus has been approved by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Finanzmarktaufsicht – FMA) and published, and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin) has been notified. The prospectus is available in electronic form on the issuer's website ( and free of charge from voestalpine AG, voestalpine-Straße 1, A-4020 Linz, Austria. An investment in the offered securities carry high risks, in particular the risk of a total loss of the invested capital. Potential investors should therefore receive personal advice before making any investment decision, especially regarding their individual income and investment situation, and should carefully read all Offer Documents, in particular, weigh up the risk factors set forth therein and make this the basis for their decision and should not base their investment decision on this marketing communication.

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