voestalpine reorganizes Automotive Components business in Germany, creating future prospects for around 2,000 employees
Press Kit zip | 28.12 MBThe Metal Forming Division of the voestalpine Group is responding to structural changes and falling customer demand in the automotive sector by reorganizing its Automotive Components locations in Germany. In future, the plants in Dettingen, Schmölln, Schwäbisch Gmünd, and Böhmenkirch will form a joint production network, with each contributing their specialist technology and product knowledge. Operations in Birkenfeld will be discontinued subject to the outcome of negotiations with the Works Council and IG Metall. The aim of these measures is to secure the future of the automotive supply segment of the Metal Forming Division in the long term, and with it around 2,000 jobs in Germany. The expected financial impact of the reorganization has already been communicated and is included in our earnings forecast for the ongoing BY 2024/25 (EUR 1.4 billion EBITDA).