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voestalpine mourns the loss of Joachim Lemppenau, Chairman of the Supervisory Board for many years

28 September 2022 | 

Dr. Joachim Lemppenau, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of voestalpine AG for many years, passed away at the beginning of this week at the age of 81. He was a member of the voestalpine AG Supervisory Board from 1999 until his death, and its Chairman from July 2004 until March 2022. The internationally recognized top manager played a key role in shaping the success story of the steel and technology group over the last two decades. The Supervisory Board, the Management Board, and the Works Council of voestalpine AG are deeply saddened by Dr. Lemppenau's passing. For the employees, he was a figure of identification and a stabilizing factor at the top of the Supervisory Board for almost 20 years.