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voestalpine provides a total of EUR 1.25 million for Ukraine aid

1 April 2022 | 

voestalpine and its employees are deeply committed to supporting those affected by the war in Ukraine, both locally and as refugees. The company has donated EUR 1 million to specific aid projects run by Caritas, Unicef, Doctors Without Borders, and the Red Cross. In addition, the Steel Division of voestalpine AG, which has a decades-long business partnership with the Ukrainian community of Horizhny Plevni, is helping the affected region with a further donation of EUR 250,000.

The military attack on Ukraine has triggered a humanitarian catastrophe in the middle of Europe.


We are deeply affected by the current developments in Ukraine. Not only does this war have fatal political and economic consequences, but above all it is causing immeasurable human suffering. As an international company with deep roots in Europe, we want to provide rapid and effective help for our fellow Ukrainians.

voestalpine CEO Herbert Eibensteiner

Special focus on children, young people and young families

voestalpine's donation to the aid organizations is based on three main pillars: immediate aid for people in Ukraine, direct support for refugees in neighboring European countries, and long-term measures for those affected. Of the 1 million euros donated, 80% will be used locally and in neighboring European countries and 20% will go towards refugee support measures in Austria. One focus of all measures will be on the special needs of children, young people and young families in this crisis situation.

Horischni Plawni: Unterstützung vor Ort

Horischni Plawni liegt in der zentralukrainischen Region Poltawa am Fluss Dnepr. Von den dort ansässigen Minenbetrieben bezieht die Steel Division jahrzehntelang einen Teil der benötigten Eisenerzpellets. Die gesamte Region ist aktuell eines der Hauptziele der innerukrainischen Flüchtlingsströme, die Lage ist prekär. Mit ihrer Spende unterstützt die voestalpine Steel Division die Beschaffung von humanitären Hilfsgütern sowie die Organisation von Unterkünften für die Geflüchteten.

The voestalpine Group

voestalpine is a globally leading steel and technology group with a unique combination of materials and processing expertise. voestalpine, which operates globally, has around 500 Group companies and locations in more than 50 countries on all five continents. It has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1995. With its premium products and system solutions, it is a leading partner to the automotive and consumer goods industries as well as the aerospace and oil & gas industries; it is also the world market leader in railway systems, tool steel, and special sections. voestalpine is fully committed to the global climate goals, and its greentec steel program represents a clear plan for decarbonizing the production of steel. In the business year 2020/21, the Group generated revenue of EUR 11.3 billion, with an operating result (EBITDA) of EUR 1.1 billion; it had about 48,700 employees worldwide.