- Dividend for the business year 2008/09: EUR 1.05 per share.
- Election of and reduction of number of members of the Supervisory Board.
- Authorization for the Management Board to increase the company's capital stock and to issue financial instruments in accordance with Section [§] 174 Stock Corporation Act [AktG].
This corresponds to the dividend proposed by the Management Board, with the dividend to be paid from 13th July. In addition, it was also decided to reduce the number of seats on the supervisory board, which necessitated a corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association. A new Supervisory Board was also elected.
As a result, the number of members elected by the annual general meeting has been reduced from the previous number of 10 to 8 persons. As a result of the terms of office of the members of the Supervisory Board expiring at the end of this annual general meeting, a new election to the Supervisory Board took place.
The following persons where elected to the Supervisory Board of voestalpine AG, with their terms of office expiring at the end of the annual general meeting for the business year 2013/14:
- Dr. Franz Gasselsberger, CEO of Oberbank AG, Linz
- Dr. Hans-Peter Hagen, Member of the Managing Board of WIENER STAEDTISCHE Versicherung AG, Vienna Insurance Group, Vienna
- Dr. Josef Krenner, Head of the Directorate of Finance of the Federal State of Upper Austria, Linz
- Dr. Michael Kutschera, Lawyer; Partner with Binder Grösswang Rechtsanwälte OEG, Vienna
- Dr. Joachim Lemppenau, Former Chairman of the Management Board of Volksfürsorge Versicherungsgruppe, Hamburg
- Mag. Dr. Josef Peischer, Director of the Chamber of Workers and Employees for Upper Austria, Linz
- Mag. Dr. Ludwig Scharinger, CEO of Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG, Linz
- Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Schwarzkopf, CEO of Plansee Holding AG, Reutte