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What we do for voestalpine:

As the voestalpine Group’s in-house IT partner, we provide support to voestalpine Group companies beyond national borders. We offer an exceptionally wide-ranging portfolio of services, from IT solutions to infrastructure. By building an adequate IT foundation, we enable innovation. Our IT experts not only have extensive technological expertise, but are also intimately acquainted with all the interfaces and business processes of the various companies. This is something external consultants will have a hard time offering.

David, SAP Base Administrator

To me, success is when, at the end of the day, the customer is satisfied. This is the case when we meet customer requirements and when customers see that solutions are working well or even beyond their expectations.

David, SAP Base Administrator

"Discipline at the core – flexibility at the edge."

The large number of voestalpine companies implies that, with regard to IT, many different solutions are needed and many different requirements have to be met. Before we implement a project, we always ask ourselves: Where do we need a special solution, and where does a technology standard create added value throughout the entire Group?

Business Solutions
Products & Services

Business Solutions

With our business solutions, we provide high-quality package solutions that are individually tailored to the needs of each company. Our business services include:

  • Consulting
  • Conceptual design
  • Development
  • Project management
  • Long-term operation of systems and applications

Support is provided by IT Purchasing, License Management, Cybersecurity, Data Security, and by various other specialist departments. This enables us to deliver secure and legally compliant solutions that have proved invaluable in helping companies optimize their business processes.


Products & Services

With our products & services, we provide standardized solutions for the workplaces of voestalpine employees and their surroundings, especially in the areas of Cloud, Cybersecurity, Communication, Connectivity, Platforms, and Basic IT.

In various problem scenarios, the creation of a technology standard generates added value for voestalpine. In this context, we pay particular attention to stability and efficiency.

In addition, we offer our products & services in purpose-built configurations. With these, we find ideal solutions for every group company while also ensuring cost-efficiency and security.

Fast, stable, secure.

Markus Grabner (Commercial Managing Director) on IT requirements at voestalpine


Cybersecurity affects every individual, professionally and privately. Attackers are getting more creative and innovative: In addition to IT systems, people are increasingly becoming the targets of cyberattacks.

Cybersecurity is a central topic in the voestalpine Group. Together with the cybersecurity experts in the other divisions, our team is committed to ensuring a high standard of security and awareness among employees on a daily basis.

Note: Many of our cybersecurity guidelines and recommendations can also be applied in a private environment. For example, a careless click on a phishing e-mail can have far-reaching consequences there as well.

Our strong cybersecurity in facts:

  • As a company, the following certificates underline the high quality standard of our cybersecurity: ISO27001 since 2015, ISO9001 since 2003 and ISAE3402 since 2012.
  • All certificates are renewed regularly.
  • The entire cybersecurity team is highly educated and certified.


The breadth of our service portfolio provides for an extensive range of hardware and software technology options. We make sure to always deliver optimum quality, in terms of both individual system requirements and standardized tools. Therefore, we prefer central platform technology solutions with leeway for flexible applications. Furthermore, our experts are thoroughly familiar with all the intricacies and nuances of their respective fields and always stay up-to-date through upskilling programs. Therefore, custom-tailored adaptations can be implemented quickly.

Technologies employed include the following:

SAP Java C#
SQL Cisco Azure
AWS Atlassian Microsoft


Rainer Jagoutz ( Technical Managing Director) about our competences

We possess tremendous expertise, not only when it comes to IT knowledge, but also with regard to voestalpine’s corporate processes. This is what sets us apart!

Rainer Jagoutz ( Technical Managing Director) about our competences

Support: Concentrated expertise

Our Service Desk serves as the central point of contact for IT issues and solves even complex problems, thanks to our wide range of expertise.

Every year, about 180,000 tickets pass through our Service Desk. A large number of them can be resolved automatically, or directly by first-level staff.

Our global Service Desk Team is there for you 24/7, 365 days a year!

Join our team!