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Dominik: Strong together in SAP projects

28 March 2023 | 

"For me, group-IT stands for exciting projects in the SAP environment and a respectful atmosphere. I really appreciate that our team always communicates openly and honestly and supports each other directly in every situation."

I have been part of the company since August 2017, working as an SAP consultant in the production area. I became aware of group-IT while working on a voestalpine Stahl project with my previous employer. I enjoyed the project, and the colleagues from group-IT were very friendly.

In my job, I am mainly involved in project work within the SAP field. For example, I am working on the HIP project until 2030, where all companies in the High Performance Metals Division are being transitioned to a unified SAP system. I also work in support, train trainees, and create prototypes for new technologies.

What I particularly enjoy is the opportunity to share my experience and be part of a team where I feel comfortable. I greatly appreciate that we don't have all-inclusive contracts and that I don't have to travel much. Additionally, applying for vacation, paternity leave, and "Papamonat" (paternity month) is straightforward.

The highlights of my work are the go-live phases of projects and the appreciation we receive from our customers. It's always a great success for me when we complete a project successfully as a team and the customers are satisfied. When I was still working in Linz, the canteen was also one of my highlights. I also particularly like the flexibility through home office and flexitime, employee participation, and Edenred vouchers.

At group-IT, it’s never boring. Anyone looking to enter the SAP field will find a respectful employer and exciting projects here. There is also the possibility to complete an SAP trainee program.

Sounds good? Apply now!