Corporate Blog
voestalpine AG


For decades, voestalpine has been the environmental and efficiency benchmark for the industry. We provide information on which sustainability criteria and standards we follow, on how we are continuously improving our carbon footprint, and about our sustainable products and solutions.

voestalpine has been recognised as an environmental and efficiency benchmark in the industry for decades.
The steel industry is a pioneer in closing material cycles. Why? Because the material can be reused again and again with virtually no loss of quality. This is another reason why steel is one of the most recycled materials in the world.
Target reached! 700,000 euros for charitable projects
Since 1 March 2024, our employees have been moving the world – and themselves – across the Group and around the world. Through their sporting activities, they collected digital “cares” in the second round of the voestalpine cares run, which are converted into voestalpine donations and benefit international aid projects.
How sustainability indices and ratings make our commitment quantifiable
The voestalpine Group has once again made it into the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index. Being included in this prestigious sustainability index and scoring in various sustainability ratings not only confirm our environmental and social commitment— they are also key factors in helping investors decide where to put their money.  

greentec steel

Donawitz: the team behind greentec steel
The entire project team is already caught up in the excitement of greentec steel, and not just in Linz. As part of Austria’s largest climate protection program and voestalpine’s most extensive investment project to date, a fresh, green steel wind is now also blowing at the site in Donawitz. It is a megaproject, one that […]
greentec steel: the people behind the megaproject
Austria’s largest climate protection program and the most extensive investment project in our company’s history: greentec steel. A project only made possible thanks to the people behind it. Read on to learn more about the members of the project team in Linz.