Corporate Blog
voestalpine AG


For decades, voestalpine has been the environmental and efficiency benchmark for the industry. We provide information on which sustainability criteria and standards we follow, on how we are continuously improving our carbon footprint, and about our sustainable products and solutions.

voestalpine cares run: Running together for a good cause!
The third round of the international voestalpine cares run starts on 1 March 2025. This initiative offers our employees the opportunity to promote their health through sporting activities and at the same time support people in need. Our employees around the world collect digital “cares”, which are converted into donations and benefit international aid projects. […]
Smart scrap sorting for green steel
Due to the switch to green steel production, significantly more scrap will be required in the future, so the sufficient availability of scrap will play an important role. For this reason, we are already conducting research in various projects into how high-quality steel grades can be produced from old scrap in the future.

greentec steel

Steel cycle: How scrap is turned into green steel
The conversion to “green” steel production means that significantly more scrap will be needed in the future. However, this increasing demand cannot be fully covered by new scrap (pre-consumer scrap). In future, it will therefore be necessary to make greater use of old scrap (post-consumer scrap), which has to be processed and sorted at great […]
greentec steel: building progress above and below ground
At voestalpine, we are building bridges and tunnels as part of greentec steel, our program for the conversion to steel production with net zero CO2-emissions. The new 800 meter-long conveyor belt bridge that will also supply the electric arc furnace with raw materials from 2027 onwards was recently completed.