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zentrak in action: signaling and monitoring systems for railroads around the world

zentrak in action: signaling and monitoring systems for railroads around the world

zentrak is our solution package for monitoring and signaling systems for rail operators around the globe. To ensure that even particularly sensitive railroad sections such as bridges can be passed safely and efficiently, we also have sophisticated solutions for this in the zentrak portfolio. A few selected examples show where zentrak is already in use.

eine Taurus Lokomotive fährt auf ein Signal zu. Symbole zeigen die intelligenten Technologien der voestalpine Railway Systems
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Koralpenbahn, Austria

For the Koralmbahn (Koralpenbahn), the largest expansion project of the Austrian railroad network currently under construction, we supplied a complete system of switches and rails including the signaling and monitoring systems. As a high-performance line with speeds of up to 250 km/h, it will reduce the journey time for passenger transport from Graz directly to Klagenfurt from the current three hours to 45 minutes and enable more effective freight transport.

We have supplied over 20 high-tech turnouts with fully digital locking and monitoring technology for the Koralm Railway.

Günter N.
Head of the Railway Systems business unit of the Metal Engineering Division

High Speed 2, Great Britain

We are also supplying 320 switch systems with drives as well as rail extensions, monitoring equipment, signaling systems (DLD/S) and the complete asset condition monitoring system to the UK for the construction of the High Speed 2 high-speed line from London to the north-west of England. Travel times on the new line will be significantly reduced. This requires nominal speeds of up to 360 km/h and branching speeds of up to 230 km/h at the largest points in order to achieve a frequency of 18 trains per hour in each direction. We developed a new turnout geometry for this purpose: it is the largest turnout ever developed in compliance with European standards for acceleration and jerk values.

ADIF high-speed track, Spain

In Spain, the local rail operator ADIF is also implementing zentrak in its route management system. On the Valencia – Madrid high-speed line, an “intelligent” switch with more than 30 sensors over a length of 180 m is currently monitoring all activity in test operation. In the next stage of the project, the zentrak system will be implemented directly at ADIF, which can make train operations more efficient and economical with visually clear dashboards and individual maintenance.

Project manager Dino in work gear with helmet Velic at work on the laptop

Our monitoring system can provide clearly visualized recommendations for the planning and implementation of individually required maintenance work. This saves money, time, is safer and increases the predictable availability of the railroad line and the rolling stock.

Dino V.
Project Manager at voestalpine Signaling Austria

We are also an implementation partner for the renewal of the German rail network. In the local transport sector, our customers in Vienna and Singapore, for example, rely on our reliable rail products and services, including for the implementation of metro projects.

In focus: bridges, a sensitive railroad infrastructure

Bridges are essential for the rapid transportation of people and goods by rail, but they expand and contract due to various conditions. The Rail Expansion Device (RED) absorbs the longitudinal movements of the primary bridge structure caused by traffic loads, weather conditions, temperature changes and the movement of the device itself. The seamless monitoring of this contributes significantly to availability with lower maintenance costs.

are already being monitored

Emerging problems can be detected at an early stage, which in turn has a significant impact on the operability of the tracks, installed systems and rail pull-out devices. For maximum safety and availability.

John S.
Member of the Management Board – Chairman
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