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Everything on track: zentrak signaling and monitoring systems provide an overview

Everything on track: zentrak signaling and monitoring systems provide an overview

Railroads around the world should become more attractive, user-friendly, efficient, competitive, affordable, easy to maintain, efficient and sustainable. Ongoing diagnosis and monitoring of the entire rail infrastructure – from the track bed to the rolling stock – is a key component of this.

eine Taurus Lokomotive fährt auf ein Signal zu. Symbole zeigen die intelligenten Technologien der voestalpine Railway Systems
In this article

Switches in particular, which enable the seamless connection of railroad lines, and bridge connections are the focus of maintenance engineers and asset managers, but of course also locomotives and wagons. Because one thing is certain: freight transport, high-speed railroads and urban subway railroads must ensure high availability while simultaneously reducing costs.

In addition to rails, switches, bridges, locomotives and wagons, an optimally functioning rail infrastructure also requires appropriate signaling and monitoring systems, because the movements on the tracks must be perfectly coordinated and, above all, safe.  And that …

  • despite the increasing volume of traffic with simultaneous 24/7/365 availability (due to the global megatrend towards urbanization and customer requirements).
  • despite massively increased loads and stresses on the track and the entire infrastructure in the freight, passenger and high-speed sectors.
  • despite tighter time frames for maintenance work on fixed and rolling components.

Why? Because delays and interruptions lead to dissatisfied customers, fines and loss of revenue for the operators.

Data at a glance at all times

System information and information for rolling stock in real time supports the planning and execution of maintenance work, which favors the requirements for reliability, safety and cost reduction in all situations. The trend towards digital rail solutions became clear not least at the important InnoTrans rail trade fair in Berlin: there, and of course in practical use by our customers worldwide, the „zentrak“ software platform showed how this can be achieved.

zentrak is the answer to the increased requirements in rail transportation worldwide.

John S.
Member of the Management Board, Chairman voestalpine Signaling UK Ltd.

zentrak: made by voestalpine Railway Systems

market leader
for rail systems
0 Years
of railroad since 1851
0 Years
in diagnostic monitoring technologies for railroads

zentrak: intelligent ecosystem for rail systems

The zentrak software platform combines all railroad software modules within the Railway Systems Group. In concrete terms, this means that zentrak enables preventive and precise maintenance of the rail operator’s entire rail system with smart and integrated monitoring of the fixed rail infrastructure and rolling stock checks. We also provide the necessary hardware – the sensors – for our customers under the zentrak brand

Smart twin of the rail infrastructure

High-tech sensors are used to record and transmit precise status data of a specific fixed installation or rolling stock in real time. The zentrak software platform collects this data and displays the results immediately and independently of location in clear dashboards for the rail infrastructure operators or can trigger alarms to the train drivers concerned. In this way, the life cycle of the systems is recorded digitally and the optimum maintenance strategy can be derived from this. This maximizes availability, optimizes maintenance costs and reduces the risk of failure.

For example, we detect the temperature of axle bearings or brakes, the wagon numbers and even the condition of the individual infrastructure components on both the switch side and the track side.

Günter N.
Head of the Railway Systems business unit of the Metal Engineering Division

The fixed rail infrastructure at a glance

A Taurus locomotive approaches a signal. Symbols show the intelligent technologies of voestalpine Railway Systems
Data forms the basis for intelligent assistance systems, continuous process improvements and the associated optimization of the plant life cycle.

In focus: track monitoring and rail monitoring

Sensors continuously record vertical and lateral movements of the tracks, at rail breaks such as bridges, as well as temperature differences and transmit the recorded data to a server. The measured values obtained in this way provide valuable information on the reliability of track systems and thus enable efficient maintenance.

Visualization of the intelligent turnout drive of voestalpine Railway Systems
In combination with the zentrak diagnostic system our intelligent point machine is a highly effective tool for maintenance teams.

Infrastructure monitoring as a mini-check for rolling stock

In addition to the detailed analysis of the rail network at the monitored points, a rough classification of the rolling stock, i.e. the trains, can also be carried out. If, for example, a very bad wheel runs over a monitored switch, the monitoring system can also recommend a specific check to the train operator.

Checking the rolling stock

Reliability, speed and comfort, including low noise and vibration, are of particular importance for modern passenger rail transport on urban and interurban routes. Reliability, ease of maintenance, speed and a high load capacity are also crucial for freight transportation. Ideally, the rolling stock is therefore also subjected to checks while the train is running, i.e. at speeds of up to 400 km/h, in order to initiate or plan safe journeys and selectively efficient maintenance.

Check in passing: noise, temperature, dimensions and weight

The destination of the safe journey is always clear:

  • all wheels should roll smoothly and safely on the rails,
  • the load – well secured and evenly distributed – should enable high and safe speeds and
  • Overhangs that could damage passing trains or the railroad facilities must be removed as soon as possible.


The management module (zentrak Fleet Condition Monitoring). It includes monitoring and alerting in the event of critical events, machine learning algorithms for proactively avoiding failures, reports and software administration. Numerous diagnostic options are then available to rail operators on an individual, optional and scalable basis.

Rolling stock check in detail

  • Profile validation system

    The zentrak profile validation system can use laser measurements to detect slipped loads or snagged branches that could damage passing trains or the rail infrastructure.

  • Temperature monitoring

    Temperature monitoring of axle bearings, wheel rims and brake discs of moving trains using infrared (Hot Box Detection, Hot Wheel Detection, Cold Wheel Detection and Sliding Wheel Detection) at speeds of up to 450 km/h protects against overheating of components and the resulting hazards.

  • Flat spot detection

    The zentrak flat spot detection system continuously measures each wheel and, as a dynamic track scale, checks for imbalances or overloads at speeds of up to 450 km/h.

  • Impact detection

    Impact detection (DED) monitors passing trains for dangling objects that could pose a hazard or damage the infrastructure.

  • Visual monitoring

    Visual monitoring of trains and vehicle components provides valuable additional information for maintenance personnel, for example when a bolt needs to be tightened, a chain needs to be tightened or unauthorized graffiti needs to be removed.

  • Up-to-date environmental data

    And up-to-date environmental data can provide train drivers with advance information about strong crosswinds at bridges and open aisles, for example.

Digital Track Management

With the software „zentrak equipment and maintenance management“ software turns digital data into real values. Digital Track Management (DTM), which was developed in collaboration between Boom Software AG and our employees at voestalpine Railway Systems, proves its worth precisely at the interface between rolling stock or rail infrastructure and maintenance. It supports track operators, suppliers and service providers in efficiently planning maintenance processes with preventive alarms as well as location, component and image data, documenting them digitally and on the move, and optimizing the recorded life cycle of infrastructure facilities.

This means: Our Digital Track Management clearly supports the advancement of digitalization in the area of infrastructure, so that the availability of the track increases, while at the same time lowering costs and reducing the risk for maintenance personnel during the measures.

Theresa P.
Head of Business Development & Sales voestalpine Digital Track Management

Our digital track management is intelligent, smart, homogeneous and holistic, so to speak.

Günter N.
Member of the Management Board of the Railway Systems business unit of the Metal Engineering Division

Value enhancement from reactive maintenance to prescriptive maintenance

The often routine or, in the worst case, reactive maintenance work can be converted into more efficient individual maintenance with the appropriate data, evaluations and alarms. In other words: maintenance where it is necessary and preventive. Ideally, monitoring of the system components should start when they are in good condition and changes should be logged until maintenance of the infrastructure becomes necessary in the next three to six months. The operators then have enough lead time to plan and file the maintenance work with all legal regulations, especially regarding access to the track systems and resources such as personnel, spare parts or tools.

Screenshots of the zentrak platform for infrastructure monitoring, asset management and maintenance management
zentrak platform for infrastructure monitoring, asset management and maintenance management

The operators want to create planning certainty. As a rule, rail operators want a lead time of six to eight weeks.

Dino V.
Project Manager voestalpine Signaling Austria

zentrak is a brand and a philosophy

The journey has only just begun when it comes to modern rail systems worldwide that transport people and goods ecologically, safely, reliably and quickly. zentrak offers a 360° view of the past, present and future of both track systems and railroad rolling stock. zentrak makes the vision of a world real where maintenance is not just a reaction to problems, but well-informed, predictive management. zentrak is the redefinition of maintenance and performance optimization of railroad systems.



Monitoring and diagnostic systems for rail operations are essential in order to meet the current requirements of customers in passenger and freight rail transport. Increase availability and reduce costs: it`s possible with zentrak!

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Die voestalpine ist ein weltweit führender Stahl- und Technologiekonzern mit kombinierter Werkstoff- und Verarbeitungskompetenz. Die global tätige Unternehmensgruppe verfügt über rund 500 Konzerngesellschaften und -standorte in mehr als 50 Ländern auf allen fünf Kontinenten. Sie notiert seit 1995 an der Wiener Börse. Mit ihren Premium-Produkt- und Systemlösungen zählt sie zu den führenden Partnern der Automobil- und Hausgeräteindustrie sowie der Luftfahrt- und Öl- & Gasindustrie und ist darüber hinaus Weltmarktführer bei Bahninfrastruktursystemen, bei Werkzeugstahl und Spezialprofilen. Die voestalpine bekennt sich zu den globalen Klimazielen und verfolgt mit greentec steel einen klaren Plan zur Dekarbonisierung der Stahlproduktion.