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voestalpine AG
The voestalpine Metsec Apprentice journey is starting for our new recruits

The voestalpine Metsec Apprentice journey is starting for our new recruits

Directly from school, the apprentices join voestalpine Metsec and pass through the individual divisions in order to get to know the entire company from the ground up. They are all enthusiastic young people – just the kind of people we need!

Apprentice at work.
In this article

Five young people recently started their vocational training at the Oldbury-based specialist for cold-rolled profiles for the construction and manufacturing industries in the UK. The newcomers were preceded by many others, as our site not far from Birmingham (UK) has been training apprentices in technical professions and structural design for more than 30 years. Many career opportunities await them after their training. From shop floor professionals to managers, a wide variety of career paths are available according to their individual goals. „There are currently 14 apprentices at voestalpine Metsec, five positions are planned each year, and by 2025, 20% of the workforce at voestalpine Metsec will be employed as apprentices,“ explains Steve, who is responsible for the apprentices. They get an overall view of professional life in all areas of the company, as soon as they start, e.g. in toolmaking, design, sales, maintenance, project planning, profile processing or customer-specific roll forming and quality centres.

Apprenticeship training in England

In addition to the on-the-job training, the apprentices spend at least 20% of their time at a college or other educational institution, where they complete training leading to a state-recognised qualification.

The apprenticeship programme in England is structured in such a way that the young people gain valuable practical experience as an apprentice in a company alongside their school education.

Marketing department, voestalpine Metsec

Steve adds: „During the first year of their apprenticeship, the trainees spend five days a week at college or another educational institution. During the second and third years, they work four days at the company and go to college for one day.“ Depending on the level of the training programme, it lasts between one and five years. A level 3 apprenticeship, for example, is equivalent to an A level. The apprenticeship programme is open to anyone aged 16 or over who is resident in England, the British Overseas Territories or the Crown Dependencies (Channel Islands and Isle of Man) and not in full-time education.

Rajan (left) and two employees who also previously completed the apprentice-ship program.
Rajan (left) and two employees who also previously completed the apprentice-ship program.
Current trainees at voestalpine Metsec
years of apprenticeship training in Oldbury

Accompanied development

Teaching young people is one thing, accompanying them on their career path is another. The rotation principle, in which our voestalpine Metsec apprentices get to know the main areas of the company, enables them to find out what they really want. This allows them to find out where they see their professional future.

It also gives them a bit of a head start because they gain a lot of practical knowledge at a young age.

Responsible for the trainees

They also get to know a lot of colleagues by regularly changing departments, gaining impressions and understanding the company as a whole. And the support of experienced colleagues on this path in turn creates strong, committed and technically qualified professionals on whom we can build our company`s success in the future – a win-win for the young people and for the company! Regular reviews, every 8 weeks by an external training provider, ensure learning progress and as soon as a trainee complete his or her time in a department, a performance evaluation is carried out by the department manager. In this way, not only are we sure that the young people are developing well, but they can also better assess their own abilities. Incidentally, our chosen path of training future specialists in-house is also confirmed by the successes in competitions in which our young voestalpine Metsec employees regularly demonstrate their skills. In 2019, for example, one of our apprentices was honoured with the „Apprentice of the Year Award of the Metal Industry“.

Sometimes there is a widespread opinion that apprentices or young people in general, are not enthusiastic. We can refute that, because the ones we have here on site are great. I mean, they are really enthusiastic!

Marketing department, voestalpine Metsec

One of our Production Directors here in Oldbury started as an apprentice at voestalpine Metsec around 40 years ago, another in 1995, almost 30 years ago. The apprenticeship programme is a success story.

Responsible for the trainees
Amelia (right) with two other trainees.
Amelia (right) with two other trainees.

Apprentice statements

I enjoy the fact that the job actually requires me to think of multiple possible solutions to problems, for example in the tool room when broken tools arrive, we strip them down and find the issue and resolve it. I decided to start the apprenticeship program at voestalpine Metsec because I wanted to learn and get hands on experience whilst earning a wage. Of all the apprenticeships available the company was closest to where I live, which is also quite convenient for me. I appreciate the free bonus we get every six months and the hands-on experience that I gain from learning on the daily basis. I`d like to proceed to do and complete an electrical course to further broaden my knowledge but also have more skills under my belt. All in all, I can say I`ve learnt a lot from my fellow colleagues so far and built friendships too.

Malachy F.
Apprentice, voestalpine Metsec

When I came here for an interview, everyone seemed really nice. I thought to myself, this is a company I would like to work for. When I started, I was 16 and still unsure what I wanted to do. The rotation programme through all the departments helped me to find out what I enjoy doing. The apprenticeship program is really cool, because you gain experience in the industry and get the theoretical school background on top: qualifications and experience – the perfect combination for me!

Amelia M.
Apprentice, voestalpine Metsec

I decided to do an apprenticeship as it is an excellent way to gain qualifications while earning a wage as well. I enjoy the people I work with as we all help each other and of course the bonuses we receive. I chose Metsec`s programme as it is convenient and also a trust worthy company to work for. I appreciate the cycle to work scheme as it is a great way to keep fit and save money. Once I have completed my apprenticeship, I hope to get a position in a department I enjoy and also complete my level 4 and 5 qualifications.

Rajan N.
Apprentice, voestalpine Metsec

I enjoy problem solving and working as a team. It`s a great thing to learn important things for your life whilst getting paid and a good combination to get hands-on experience whilst attending college. I want to gain more experience and will work hard to complete my level 3. After that I want to to progress in my career in engineering.

Josh R.
Apprentice, voestalpine Metsec
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