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voestalpine AG
Teamwork and safety: A portrait of shift supervisor René

Teamwork and safety: A portrait of shift supervisor René

René is shift manager of the “five D-shift” in the test center and therefore an early bird and night owl at the same time, at home everywhere and responsible for everything. Stressful? No – just right for him.

Rene checks the quality of various metal sheets.
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The heartbeat of the voestalpine Steel Division in Linz is set by the state-of-the-art pig iron and steel production facilities. This heartbeat continues throughout the entire plant site and in the various downstream process steps. René and his team constantly check the quality of galvanized sheets, thin sheets up to four millimetres thick, sheets for research and development and much more in the five-shift operation: 2 x early shift, 2 x midday shift, 2 x night shift, 4 days off – perfect for him.


Rene operates various machines every day in his role as shift supervisor at the test center.

Knows which way to go.

René started at our test center in 2010 as a trained machining technician. As a machinist, he knows how to operate the CNC-controlled systems well. In his previous training company, he had taught himself a lot. “That sits well,” he says. The management team quickly noticed this, as did his social skills, and soon after starting with us he took on responsibility for a shift team.

Further training is a top priority.

Training to become a skilled worker – or rather a metallurgical worker, as we call it – enabled him to make this career leap.

At voestalpine, a lot of value is placed on further training and there is a great deal on offer, as well as a willingness to accept.

René S.
shift supervisor, test center in Linz

As team leader in the test center, his tasks include

  • to organize the work for the team,
  • to be on site in the event of problems,
  • to have an open ear for colleagues,
  • take care of urgent matters,
  • to check the quality,
  • to keep an eye on the process and
  • to ensure a good working atmosphere.

Very varied and diverse.

And if test systems show faults, René jumps into the breach anyway. To do this, he has to know every test system and every activity in the team inside out. “That only works with commitment and interest,” says René with a laugh.


What makes him successful as a team leader is that he acts in a solution-oriented and determined manner and pays attention to order and cleanliness at the workstations. For him, the ability to work in a team includes a good tone of voice, which is extremely important to him.

It's not what you say, but how you say it and this is exemplified by the superiors in all areas.

René S.
shift supervisor, test center in Linz

What he and everyone else regularly hear and pass on:

The most important thing is that all employees return home healthy after their shift. The safety of the systems and personal safety behavior is regularly discussed and reviewed. “The high priority placed on safety gives you a good feeling,” says René. As the person responsible for the shift, he also repeatedly points out the safety measures to his staff and is reminded of them himself.

That inspires René:

  • Reliability
  • Punctuality
  • Team spirit – we belong together and pull in the same direction

What does he appreciate about his #voestalpineteam?

You can rely on my colleagues 100 percent. No matter what the issue, they help each other and no one is left out in the cold.

René S.
shift supervisor, test center in Linz

Were there any moments in his professional career that were simply particularly moving?

Of course! When the first walls of the new test center came into view and the building became more and more visible, he knew: this is my new workplace! “And I’ve already been able to complete a few apprenticeships, so of course there are lots of great moments,” he says, beaming with joy. The most recent apprenticeship was as a materials technician. It’s just great to have achieved something again!

He has the following for young people:

If you have the will and can deliver good work, you have the best conditions for further development and training with us. It’s never too late to join the company, whether as an apprentice or skilled worker, you will be welcomed with appreciation and have many opportunities.


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voestalpine AG

Die voestalpine ist ein weltweit führender Stahl- und Technologiekonzern mit kombinierter Werkstoff- und Verarbeitungskompetenz. Die global tätige Unternehmensgruppe verfügt über rund 500 Konzerngesellschaften und -standorte in mehr als 50 Ländern auf allen fünf Kontinenten. Sie notiert seit 1995 an der Wiener Börse. Mit ihren Premium-Produkt- und Systemlösungen zählt sie zu den führenden Partnern der Automobil- und Hausgeräteindustrie sowie der Luftfahrt- und Öl- & Gasindustrie und ist darüber hinaus Weltmarktführer bei Bahninfrastruktursystemen, bei Werkzeugstahl und Spezialprofilen. Die voestalpine bekennt sich zu den globalen Klimazielen und verfolgt mit greentec steel einen klaren Plan zur Dekarbonisierung der Stahlproduktion.