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From mechanic to materials tester: Rainer’s passion for analytics

From mechanic to materials tester: Rainer’s passion for analytics

Rainer seizes opportunities and always remains open to change. He has been working in testing technology and analytics since 2012 and has been part of the permanent staff since 2016. He provides insights into the Hole Expansion testing system.

Rainer works as a materials technician in the test center and is deployed in various areas.
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In testing technology and analytics, sample sections from various production areas, but also for research and development, are subjected to a wide range of tests – bending, stretching and much more. This ensures that the various qualities meet the standards and are safe to use. As a trained mechanic, Rainer is now a materials tester and ensures these qualities.

Rainer checks the samples with precision.

Keep moving step by step.

Rainer was looking for a suitable job after his training as a mechanic and his time in the army. A friend who works for us took him to the recruitment agency and opened the door for him. Various advertised jobs were presented to him and he looked at specific jobs with us. That and the interviews were a good fit, so he quickly became part of the test center team.

From preparation to testing.

Four years ago, he passed his materials technician exam with distinction and is now even more flexible in different areas of the new test center in Linz: on the one hand, he is preparing samples at the marking station or on the laser system, and on the other hand, he is involved in final sample production for milling and wire EDM. Since early summer, he has also been learning how to work in testing technology and analytics, where the samples are analyzed. The tests are carried out in the CNC systems and Rainer transmits all the values determined to Quality Assurance.

With his precision, his eye for detail and his open eyes, he quickly recognizes rare errors and rectifies them immediately.

My day-to-day work is very varied.

Rainer S.
materials tester, testing center Linz

The working culture here is... cohesive.

In the newly built test center at BG79, the working atmosphere is just right for him – not just the friendly and bright building and the room temperature, but above all the team. There is a good sense of team spirit at work and after work there is also a lot of banter with other departments. He feels well looked after in the five-shift system: two early shifts, two midday shifts, two night shifts, four days off.

Rainer also emphasizes the numerous opportunities for further training. Rainer has implemented the associated career opportunities well.

That inspires Rainer:

  • Working atmosphere
  • Punctuality and reliability
  • Further training

His tip for young people: Focus on details, not on the margins.

Attention to detail is important. If THAT inspires you, then you’ve come to the right place.

He also feels really good with his friends – and on the mountain. He loves mountaineering and hiking in his private life. Most recently, he was on the Gamskarkogel at 2467m, the highest grass mountain in Europe, which requires a lot of stamina. Rainer certainly has it.

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