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Career changer: Fabienne’s fascinating path to voestalpine Automotive Components

Career changer: Fabienne’s fascinating path to voestalpine Automotive Components

You can do anything you set your mind to: Fabienne K. has remained true to this motto on her path to and at voestalpine Automotive Components in Schmölln. She tells us how she went from being a career changer to being the “right-hand woman” of the department manager in series production.

Fabienne in the factory hall of voestalpine Automotive Components
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The most fascinating paths don’t usually follow a straight line. This was true for Fabienne, the assistant to the department manager in the body-in-white series production department at voestalpine Automotive Components Dettingen. The complete career changer found her professional home in Schmölln, Thuringia, following an apprenticeship as a fashion tailor and ten years of self-employment in the catering industry.

Fabienne Krause hangs information on the wall on which shift schedules are displayed
Fabienne, Assistant to the Head of Department in Series Production structural work at voestalpine Automotive Components Dettingen

August is the month of change

For Fabienne, August seems to be the month of new challenges. In August 2018, she first experienced the voestalpine culture as a temporary employee at the Automotive Components phs-ultraform® center Schmölln. Exactly one year later, she became a lathe operator on the piston line, and another year later, a shift supervisor. But it did not stop there. In August 2022, Fabienne became the assistant to the department manager in the body-in-white series production. The change from production to the desk was unusual for her at first, but now she couldn’t imagine not doing this job. “Essentially, I am the link between production and the organization,” explains Fabienne. She takes care of production and shift planning as well as personnel scheduling. She manages orders, supports the department manager in personnel matters, and always has an open ear for the concerns of her colleagues. In doing so, she ensures that all production processes, such as turning, welding, riveting and press-fitting, run smoothly and that a wide range of body shop products leave the production line on time in the expected high quality.

Portrait photo of Fabienne Krause in a factory hall

Morning motivator

With such a diverse range of activities, Fabienne starts her working day early. At half past five, she is there for the shift handover in production. She discusses the weekly schedule with the shift supervisors and goes over what’s happened during the night shift. She also helps answer questions and addresses occupational safety issues. “I simply want my colleagues in production to feel well. I want them to know that I am on site and there for them as a contact person,” says Fabienne. Her all-inclusive services even include turning on the office coffee machine at six o’clock on the dot. Even though she is currently trying to cut down on her coffee consumption, she doesn’t let it affect her interaction with her colleagues—she can always enjoy a cup of tea instead. “It is extremely important to maintain contact with colleagues. I really enjoy supporting them on site so that we can all work well and have a successful day,” says Fabienne. The fact that she is a big fan of structure, order, and cleanliness helps her a lot. The all-rounder still has a few computer topics to brush up on. But she can always count on the help of her colleagues, especially when it comes to the challenges of Excel.

Fabienne sits at her desk with two screens in front of her

The path is the goal

This mutual support is a top priority in all areas at Schmölln. Fabienne describes the working atmosphere as pleasant, productive, and humorous—even during challenging times. She likes to go to work and return home with a smile, and she also shares her joy of working and her optimistic attitude with other departments. “I always want to think positively, to look ahead to the future and not worry so much about the past,” is how Fabienne describes her attitude to life. However, she does like to reminisce about live concerts she has attended. They are always a highlight for the music enthusiast. She especially remembers the 2013 Depeche Mode concert at the Red Bull Arena in Leipzig. When Fabienne is not at a concert, she is probably practicing yoga, dancing, or enjoying activities with her family. She has found her stride, not only in her personal life but also professionally at voestalpine Automotive Components. She feels at home and wants to continue to let things happen in the usual relaxed manner.

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