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voestalpine AG
AM Pioneer Bastian: From Operator to Production Manager

AM Pioneer Bastian: From Operator to Production Manager

We first introduced Bastian as a pioneer of additive manufacturing and his work at the voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Center in Düsseldorf back in 2019. Now, more than four years later, he tells us all about the progress that has been made in the world of dynamic future technology.

Bastian operates an industrial 3D printer in the Additive Manufacturing Center
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A lot has changed at the voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Center in Düsseldorf. A team of four employees has been using state-of-the-art technologies and facilities here to satisfy the growing market demand for several years now. Since we last caught up with Bastian, several new machines have been commissioned at the site which are not only much larger than their predecessor models, they also reach higher temperatures during the manufacturing process, allowing a broader range of materials to be processed. A quick-change system also allows downtime during production to be reduced. What’s more, the process parameters have been gradually optimized, ensuring that the manufacturing process is as efficient as possible. This allows Bastian and his team to provide customers with parts that exceed the performance and durability of components manufactured using traditional methods and in even shorter production times. As a pioneer of additive manufacturing, Bastian, just like the entire voestalpine Group, has long acknowledged the promising potential offered by this type of technology.

Working together to find the best solution

The Additive Manufacturing Center is not the only place where a lot has changed: Bastian himself has also been on a journey, working his way up the ladder in recent years, from Operator to Production Manager.While he previously worked exclusively on the technical side of operations, he is now primarily responsible for management tasks and organizational matters. Despite his leadership role, Bastian still has his ear to the ground on the production floor, holding daily discussions on topical issues with his team. “We make decisions as a group and work together to achieve the optimal result,” explains Bastian. What matters most to him is to always be a vital cog in the machine. A philosophy that he has followed since he was a young boy, when he discovered his passion for metal as a material.

Decision with future potential

Bastian saw the potential of innovation long before he joined voestalpine in 2017. The qualified industrial mechanic actually had two job offers on the table at the time: a role in the maintenance department of a healthcare facility involving tasks that he was well acquainted with, and the position of Operator at voestalpine’s Additive Manufacturing Center in Düsseldorf; an area that was largely new and unfamiliar to him. Bastain was unsure which path to take, until he discussed the matter with a friend who advised him to take the plunge and choose the less “safe” option if he fundamentally believed in the potential of innovative ideas. And that is exactly what he did. Bastian has been working at the Additive Manufacturing Center ever since, and has gone from Operator to Production Manager during this time.

Not for a single second have I ever regretted the decision I made back in 2017 to have faith in innovation,” explains Bastian. “My unwavering trust in the potential of additive manufacturing as a technology of the future has been validated in every way. That is why I would also like to see apprenticeships introduced in this field, so that young people can be given the opportunity to gain a professional foothold in this technology.

Bastian operates an industrial 3D printer in the Additive Manufacturing Center

In stillness lies strength

Bastian achieves a healthy work-life balance by spending quality time at home with his wife and five-year-old daughter. “My family has a calming influence on me, and offers me the sense of stability that I need,” says Bastian. “When my daughter jumps into my arms, nothing else matters.” But even in his free time, technology isn’t too far from his mind: He has a 3D printer at home, which he uses to make plastic components for remote-controlled vehicles as well as a host of different useful household items like hooks and brackets. The keen gamer also enjoys spending his spare time in a whole other world; the world of computer games.


Would you like to find out more about Bastian and the voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Center? Click the following link to be taken directly to the 2019 blog post: A pioneer of additive manufacturing

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