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voestalpine AG
JKU ERP Summer: SAP at your fingertips

JKU ERP Summer: SAP at your fingertips

In 2024, we organised the ERP Summer at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) for the second time. In close cooperation with the JKU, SAP and KPMG, five of our experts gave students valuable insights into the practical world of ERP systems.

The experts gave the students valuable insights into the practical world of ERP systems.
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Whether in mechatronics, production, logistics, controlling, human resources or sales, almost no business process today can do without an underlying ERP system. Enterprise resource planning systems help companies to plan, control and manage resources for important business activities in good time and in line with requirements. A complex task that needs to be learnt – ideally in theory and practice. At the JKU Linz, students from all degree programmes were therefore given their first practical insights into the world of ERP systems as part of the ERP Summer.

The experts gave short presentations at the closing event.

ERP = Enterprise resource planning

As the most common ERP system, SAP is simply an essential tool today. In order to optimally prepare students for the labour market, the „ERP Summer“ focused on imparting practice-oriented knowledge. After all, practical application often only comes into play long after the theory. „I felt the same way. I studied business informatics and still only really got to know SAP in practice for the first time in my working life,“ says Roland K., Management IT Strategy & IT Innovation, voestalpine Stahl GmbH. He himself is a lecturer at the JKU and one of the brains behind the ERP Summer. The summer event in July and September made the relevance of ERP systems for the future clear to students. The participants were given an introduction to the topics of Fiori and Customizing. Practical examples gave them an insight into the world of ERP and they were then able to apply the knowledge they had acquired in a practice-orientated case study. This also showed the students how IT can be used for greater sustainability: They followed the processes of a bicycle company that wanted to produce a CO2 -neutral bicycle. To do this, they also purchased our green steel from greentec steel.

Group photo of all participants at the ERP Summer Event.

Fully booked!

Even before the course started, it was clear that the ERP Summer was right on target. The registration figures spoke for themselves, as the 80 course places were fully booked within just two weeks. There were participants from over 40 degree courses, of which a good 50% were women and 50% men.

You have to bear in mind that this is a voluntary course during the summer holidays. The excellent response shows how great the need and also the students` interest in this topic is.

Roland K.
Management IT Strategy & IT Innovation, voestalpine Stahl GmbH

The final event took place on 30 October, where the participants received their certificates. After short presentations by KPMG, SAP and our experts, the students questions were answered before networking and dialogue concluded the event.

At the end of the event, the time was used for exchange and networking.

ERP Summer @ JKU = Win Win Win

The ERP Summer was a win-win situation for all sides. The students were prepared for the working world in a practical way, we were able to present ourselves as an attractive, modern IT employer and the JKU also benefited from the exchange of knowledge.

Due to the great response and the extremely good feedback, the format will definitely be retained and continued. We are already looking forward to ERP Summer 2025.

If you have the opportunity, as a large company you should definitely fulfil your responsibility and also make a local contribution to high-quality education. With our long-standing cooperation with the JKU and the ERP Summer, we are fulfilling this important task.

Roland K.
Management IT Strategy & IT Innovation, voestalpine Stahl GmbH

The ERP Summer with the course title “ERP Systems Applications I+II“ at the Johannes Kepler University Linz was also a great success in autumn! We from voestalpine group-IT GmbH were able to present the sales process in SAP Fiori and insights into SAP Customizing to the students using practical examples. Big praise to the students for participating so attentively and with such motivation - that makes presenting really fun! It was great!

Lisa B.
SAP Consultant for SD and Salesforce, voestalpine group-IT GmbH

ERP systems are indispensable in today`s working world and are becoming increasingly important. Knowledge of ERP systems and specifically SAP are sought-after skills and often a prerequisite in many job advertisements.

Johanna Ö.
Junior SAP Consultant, voestalpine group-IT GmbH
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