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voestalpine AG
KTM relies on steel motorcycle chassis

KTM relies on steel motorcycle chassis

KTM, the specialist for race bikes, relies on a steel chassis for its models. The chassis design is based on cold drawn profiles like those produced by voestalpine Rotec GmbH.

Ein Rennfahrer fährt mit einer Rennmaschine des Herstellers KTM auf einer Rennstrecke
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KTM designs, develops, and builds high-quality motorcycles, using steel-tube chassis. Unlike other manufacturers who mostly use an aluminum chassis, KTM has chosen the steel-tube chassis approach based on its acquired know-how and company philosophy. Even for its race bikes at MotoGP, the premium class of motorcycle racing.

MotoGP in Austria

Fans can got a first impression of the performance of the KTM RC16 on August 11 to 13, 2017 at the MotoGP home race in Spielberg: KTM Factory Racing Team, the only team relying on a steel chassis, celebrated its debut in MotoGP and reached a regognizable result.

KTM RC16—the only motorcycle with a steel-tube chassis

KTM, with its KTM RC16 model, is the only team at MotoGP relying on a steel chassis. The steel chassis are manufactured from cold drawn profiles produced and delivered by voestalpine Rotec GmbH in Krieglach, Styria, for example. Cold forming and the use of high-strength steel gives the profiles extremely high strength, making them three times as stable as aluminum. As a result, a much thinner chassis can be produced and the weight difference between the two materials can be compensated.

Durch die sogenannte Kaltumformung und die Verwendung von hochfestem Stahl erlangen die Profilrohre eine sehr hohe Festigkeit und sind damit dreimal so stabil wie Aluminium. Daher kann der Rahmen wesentlich dünner produziert und der Gewichtsunterschied beider Materialien ausgeglichen werden.

A key advantage of the steel chassis can be found in high-performance sport: MotoGP requires that each race bike be precisely adjusted to the seat position and angle of the driver. This can be done much more quickly with steel thanks to the faster work processes and its excellent workability, saving valuable time.

Die Rennmaschine ktm RC16 hat in einer Kurve nur die Auflagefläche in der Größe einer Kreditkarte und enthält einen Stahl Gitterrohrrahmen.
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