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voestalpine AG
Marketing specialist Justin: A strategist on the road to success

Marketing specialist Justin: A strategist on the road to success

Justin’s career path has taken him across three continents, various industries and companies to us in Vienna. Together with three colleagues, the marketing specialist manages the campaigns and channels of our High Performance Metals Division. What brought him to us? The uniqueness and size of our Group, our openness to new ideas and our team, which motivates him anew every day.

Justin leans against gray upholstered furniture and smiles at the camera.
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Listening to Justin’s stories arouses curiosity. The eventful story of his home country and his studies in South Africa as well as his career as a marketing professional quickly makes it clear: Justin does what he does with all his heart.


Justin has enriched our team in Vienna for two years as a brand owner, marketer and internal communicator. His expertise covers the entire marketing spectrum, with a small personal focus: classic marketing. Others keep a close eye on marketing automation, content and technology. Together, they collaboratively and dynamically develop new communication offerings for our global customers. Although Justin appreciates his home office days so that he can get a lot done in peace and quiet, he also enjoys working together with his colleagues in the office.

We are well welded together. Everyone has their own expertise, and we respect each other. All ideas are heard, and we look after each other well.

Justin A.
Senior Brand Manager, voestalpine High Peformance Metals Division

He gained his first professional experience in marketing at a bank in South Africa until his path led him to the marketing office of the United Nations in Kenya. After deciding to complete a Master’s degree, he moved to New York and worked in the media and television industry for the broadcasters VH1 and MTV. For the sake of love, Justin decided to move his centre of life to another continent again and has been living in Vienna since 2016. Two years ago, he applied for a job with us, even though he had doubts as to whether he could really feel at home in a global industrial company. But by the end of the introductory meeting with his current colleague and the Human Resources Manager during the application process, his initial doubts had given way to euphoria and he was certain that he wanted to work with us. Why? The authenticity and enthusiasm of the people he spoke to won Justin over and after the second round of interviews with his current manager, it was clear to him that this was someone he could work well with and with whom he could share his ideas. One thing led to another and Justin became part of our team.


Finding his way around a complex organisation like ours was naturally a challenge for Justin too. But after about a year, he experienced two “aha” moments from which he benefits every day: “Even if I don’t know everything about the organisation, I will always learn something at voestalpine. And on the other hand, I have learnt enough in this first year to feel confident in my job and in my decisions.”

There is a constant endeavour to develop new ideas and try out new things.

Justin A.
Senior Brand Manager, voestalpine High Peformance Metals Division

Mastering ups and downs.

Justin uses a simple and very efficient tool to stay motivated: his “Wins-Folder”. This is an electronic folder in which he collects positive and appreciative feedback. This keeps him positive, creative and structured, even if one or two ideas don’t have the desired effect. Looking at his “wins”, he realises: “Okay, today wasn’t a good day, but I was successful at other things.” In this way, he always manages to focus on the positive.

Respect and feedback

As he sees words of praise as one of the keys to motivating people to do more, he hands them out at every suitable opportunity. At the same time, honest, factual feedback is also needed to give everyone good guidance. For him, both are part of respectful teamwork.

I can really build on a lot of support all around me. It's definitely the people around me that make something magical happen.

Justin A.
Senior Brand Manager, voestalpine High Peformance Metals Division

Keeping the balance

Justin likes what he does: finding solutions. He spices up the familiar with his ideas and maintains a balance between the communication interests of the technical side and the sales organisation. For him, maintaining the feedback loop between these poles is the key to success. And of course he also enjoys being able to work on so many different topics, coordinating and prioritising them. From his point of view, every day is exciting.

Proaktives Kommunizieren schafft Effizienz

Eine seiner erfolgreich umgesetzten Lösungen war es, die Verkaufsteams proaktiv durch einen E-Mail-Newsletter und ein Webinar darüber zu informieren, woran aktuell gearbeitet wird und was geplant ist. Diese Kommunikationsmaßnahme schafft es, dass sich die Verkaufsorganisation besser informiert fühlt und das Marketingteam deutlich weniger wiederkehrende Anfragen beantworten musste.

Dinge, die Justin erfolgreich machen:

  • Zuhören können, um die Situationen der Beteiligten zu verstehen
  • Interpretationsfähigkeit für eine gute Kommunikation und flüssige Prozesse
  • Geduld
  • Koordination

Mit seiner verantwortungsvollen, herzlichen Professionalität inspiriert er viele Kolleg:innen und auch unsere Praktikant:innen, die von ihm lernen wollen. Sein Ratschlag für alle Interessierte lautet in seiner Muttersprache:

  • Look at the positive, stay away from the negative.
  • Learn something each day! Suck it all up!
  • And get a good mentor!
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voestalpine AG

Die voestalpine ist ein weltweit führender Stahl- und Technologiekonzern mit kombinierter Werkstoff- und Verarbeitungskompetenz. Die global tätige Unternehmensgruppe verfügt über rund 500 Konzerngesellschaften und -standorte in mehr als 50 Ländern auf allen fünf Kontinenten. Sie notiert seit 1995 an der Wiener Börse. Mit ihren Premium-Produkt- und Systemlösungen zählt sie zu den führenden Partnern der Automobil- und Hausgeräteindustrie sowie der Luftfahrt- und Öl- & Gasindustrie und ist darüber hinaus Weltmarktführer bei Bahninfrastruktursystemen, bei Werkzeugstahl und Spezialprofilen. Die voestalpine bekennt sich zu den globalen Klimazielen und verfolgt mit greentec steel einen klaren Plan zur Dekarbonisierung der Stahlproduktion.